The Suppo Kitchen does not want to teach anything, but you may still find something useful, as it was to us when we learnt a thing or two. Please, do not stick to what we're saying or doing, and try to decide for yourself if what we're doing or saying can be useful for you, or harmful, or else.
SuppoDad usually makes meals from leftovers, what he can find in the larder, and what is available on the shelves and preferably in the current season. The Suppo Family would love to have a farm, but hasn't one yet, so it will just face reality... but not without a real lot of fantasy and imagination.
Here we go, first leftover recycling mission!
next SuppoRecipe is:
Pepper and Wiener Pasta!

- Easy
- Non vegetarian
- Filling
- Lactose free (w. soy cream)
- NOT Gluten free
- A bit spicy
3/4 people
- extra virgin oil
- 2 yellow peppers (or other colours, Suppo likes it colorful)
- 1/2 red onion
- 1 sweet green pepper
- 1 piece of green or red chilli, fresh is better
- 1 medium-big sized wiener
- 2 parsley branches
- 1/2 cream (vegetable like soy or single/half cream)
- 400 g broad to very broad, short, pasta, 11 min cooking time minimum, smaller pasta is also ok but do not forget to trim vegetables into smaller parts.
Let's go:
- Boil the Wiener on its own while setting the water for the pasta to boil,
- Brown and sauté onion, peppers and chillis in a pan with quite high flame.
- At this point, you may add the flavours that you also like to taste.
- Add salt to the simmering water in the pot and set the pasta to boil
- Add parsley and keep browning and sauté until everything is well browned
- Add the boiled Wiener chopped into tiny cubes and let it fry a little in the pan
- Keep lightly frying or browning until the wiener is well browned
- Add the cream, mix and add the pasta (well drained), then mix and whisk well until ready
Suppo's quite eager to eat, so I'd say it's DONE!
This pasta should come out with quite a sweet taste, please take this into consideration when adding salt to pasta water. You may also avoid using cream, in order to make it lighter.
Now you should serve it and eat it hot, instead of trying to take a decent picture until it's become cold, like I did...
Hope you enjoy!