SuppoFamily strikes back with this magic cooking adventure!
venerdì 23 ottobre 2009
Autumn is here.
Through the kitchen window we're used to see the weirdest things: funny dogs walking by, enormous trucks in open farmland, healthy grannies speeding by in their high-tech bicycles, threatening yellow clouds at horizon... Today's event wasn't that dramatic, but it was "aware", like the Japanese say. Suppo reached the window and just understood that.
Before our busy eyes could notice, the autumn had arrived.
Beh, ho un forno, un tavolo da bar, dei fornelli, un rubinetto, un frigo... occhi e orecchie. Sono una cucina, sapete?!?
Well I've got an oven, a cooker, a fridge, the sink, a table, ears and eyes... I'm a kitchen you know??
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